Interesting stuff I've read (articles, sites...):

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sam who?

This is his most recent work and a must see for Chris and I.
Supposedly this theater and group are where he got his start in New
York and in general.

For as much as I enjoy Shepard, this is only the second production
I've ever seen and the other was in an attic in Old Town Knoxville.

I'd blog a review but I'm planning to become a hermit and move into
the desert (if you don't get that joke you should read son Shephard).

1 comment:

Bryan said...

The play was good - worth it for sure. Seeing Rea was fun (seeing such stars is a guilty pleasure of NYC life for sure).

They symbolism of the play is though to grasp and I'm not sure where to run with it.

Shepherd is definitely alluding to his own career, but what the symbols reference is a bit tough (and maybe intentionally so).

Art dealer == writing career
Horse == the mortal flesh

It was a good night out and the blue sky was amazing on the walk home.